PHP Internship Questionnaire
Topic : General Knowledge, Computer Science, CSS, Javascript, HTML, PHP & Mysql
1 / 23
What is CPU?
2 / 23
Which of the following is also called translator?
3 / 23
Select the example of application software of computer
4 / 23
Which type of memory that is held even after the computer is turned off?
5 / 23
Name the service that allows you to receive emails?
6 / 23
Out of the following what kind of hackers are considered as good hackers?
7 / 23
What is the correct way of sending mail in HTML?
8 / 23
In CSS, Which selector do we use to specify the rule for binding some particular unique element?
9 / 23
In Javascript, The “var” and “function” are known as _____________.
10 / 23
Which of these is a correct output for the JavaScript code given below?
string X="Hey"; string Y="There"; alert(X+Y);
11 / 23
Which of the following is the correct output for the following JavaScript code
var grade='D'; var result; switch(grade) { case'A': result+="10"; case'B': result+="9"; case'C': result+="8"; case 'D' result+="6"; default: result+="0"; } document.write(result);
12 / 23
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function compare(){ var number=10; if(number==="10"){ alert('true'); }else{ alert('false'); } }
13 / 23
In PHP, out of the following, which one is NOT a variable scope?
14 / 23
In PHP, which of these is the use of the strlen() function?
15 / 23
In PHP, which of these is used for concatenation?
16 / 23
In PHP, which function returns a string from the elements of an array using given seprator?
17 / 23
What will be output for this PHP code?
echo ucwords(“welcome TO our company”);
18 / 23
Which of these PHP functions would perform the conversion of an English text datetime into the Unix timestamp?
19 / 23
In PHP, What is the correct way to include the file “”?
20 / 23
How do you create an array in PHP?
21 / 23
Which one of these variables has an illegal variable name in PHP?
22 / 23
Which MYSQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?
23 / 23
With MySQL, how do you select all the records from a table named “Persons” where the value of the column “FirstName” starts with an “a”?
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